Contact Andrew Collins


If you wish to contact me directly, in private and not for publication, please use this email address

If your inquiry is about work, or any kind of paid engagement, please contact my manager Rob Aslett, at Avalon Management. Their address is:

4a Exmoor Street
W10 6BD

This is my manager Rob’s email address, and this is Avalon’s number: 020 7598 8000

If you want to see clips of my presenting work, my Telly Addict columns for the Guardian (2011-16) are gathered here and my 2016 YouTube Telly Addicts are here. All the interviews I did for Bafta at the Bafta Film Awards 2009 are collected on YouTube here. Mickey Rourke is one I’m particularly proud of, but you will also see me talking to Meryl Streep, Danny Boyle, Robert Downey Jr, Kate Winslet, Patrick Stewart, Amy Adams and Penelope Cruz, among others. It seems like a dream now, but it really happened.

If you want to read examples of my journalism, the Guardian and Observer archives go back to 1999. Unfortunately Word magazine did not publish online, so there is no archive of my columns for them. However, I have reproduced a selection of my Whatever columns (2007-10) on the blog here. I can’t helpfully link to the pieces I’ve written for The Times, because of the famous paywall, but if you are a subscriber, they’re here.

You can follow me on Twitter:

Follow AndrewCollins on Twitter

The above illustration is by Anne Cakebread. She is very good.

6 thoughts on “Contact Andrew Collins

  1. Hello Andrew – I have just listened to your obit to the late, great Ernest Borgnine (Last Word repeat Sunday evening 15.07.12). I also mispronounced his name as a very young film fan. I was a lecturer at Northampton College from 1990 till 2002 when I think you were a media studies student there – but our paths never crossed in spite of my two attempts to move ‘sideways’ into teaching posts in that department. A fine obituary to a fine and actor – “good day at Back Row” – brilliant!

    • Glad you enjoyed it, Eddie (and my little Back Row joke!); I was at Northampton University when it just plain Nene College between 1983-84, so I was long gone when you lectured there. Also, there was no media studies when it was the old “tech”, as far as I can remember. It’s all very different now, of course!

  2. Just to say this week’s Telly Addict piece had me laughing out loud at the very end. And it delights me that you appear to be obsessed with Bake Off. I’m very much hoping you reference it every week from now until the final.

  3. I read The Sisters by Mary S Lovell this week. My first Mitford book.It wasn’t your first recommendation. But at the time it was the cheapest on Amazon Marketplace, and because of that it was the first. It took three weeks to come from the States.. Which was disappointing. But i should have realised they had a Boston as well.I really enjoyed it. Thought it was well written etc. I found the family fascinating. I can understand your passion for all things Mitford. I will set aside time to read on. cheers

  4. I’ve started watching your video reviews on the Guardian online. While I didn’t like ‘Plebs’ despite your recommendation, I’m delighting in ‘Detectorists’ (BBC4 Thursdays). Watched the first 2 episodes back to back and might suggest you do the same. Mackenzie Crooke’s script is more than fine and not only has he collected a tidy group of actors, but filmed the thing in glorious countryside. Who knew. Pressing all my buttons.

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